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The Journal of Archaeology and Education
Decolonization. Indigeneity, education & society
Journal of advocacy, research and education
Journal of education and community health
Journal of education, health and sport
Journal of social science education
Journal of social studies education research (JSSER)
Journal of the Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand
Journal of tourism and hospitality education
Nursing public health and education journal
Social sciences and education research review
Solidarity. Journal of education, society and culture
Education newsletter
Free education
In factis pax. Journal of peace education & social justice
Mid-Western educational researcher
Harmonia. Journal of arts research and education
New Zealand journal of research in performing arts & education
Scenario. Journal for drama and theatre in foreign and second language education
Basic education. College magazine for educational and humanities sciences
International journal of information and education technology (IJIET)
Journal of Al-qadisiya in arts and educational science
Journal of education and culture studies
Educause quarterly
Educause review
Journal of interactive media in education
Journal of library services for distance education
Nordic journal of information literacy in higher education (NORIL)
Journal of folklore and education
Canadian online journal of queer studies in education
GEMS. Gender, education, music and society
International women online journal of distance education (WOJDE)
Journal of the College of Education for Women
Journal of women in educational leadership
Journal of women’s entrepreneurship and education
NASPA journal about women in higher education
Education and culture. The journal of the John Dewey Society
Journal of geoscience education
Historical encounters. A journal of historical consciouness, historical cultures, and history education
Kronik. Journal of history education and historiography
Art education
European journal of higher arts education
JADECS. Journal of art, design, art education and culture studies
Loop. AIGA journal of Interaction design education
Brigham Young University education and law journal
Journal of Commonwealth law and legal education
Journal of language and learning. An international journal for language and education studies
Working papers in educational linguistics (WPEL)
Eurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology education
International electronic journal of mathematics education (EJME)
Journal of mathematics education
Mathematics teacher education & development (MTED)
ROMAI educational journal
Visions of research in music education (VRME)
Asian journal on education and learning (AJEL)
Journalism education. Journal of the Association for Journalism Education
Signus temporis. Pedagogy & psychology
21.yüzyılda eğitim ve toplum eğitim bilimleri ve sosyal araştırmalar dergisi
AACE journal. International forum on information technology in education
Academia. A publication of the Higher Education Policy Network
Academic journal perspective. Language, education, and literature
Academic matters. The journal of higher education
Academic perspectives in higher education
Academy of Educational Leadership journal
Action, criticism & theory for music education
Action researcher in education
Active. Journal of physical education, sport, health and recreation
Activities in physical education and sports
Adıyaman Üniversitesi eğitim bilimleri dergisi
Adult education and development
Adult education in Israel
Adult learner. The Irish journal of adult and community education
Adults learning
Adults learning mathematics. An international journal
Advanced education
Advances in building education
Advances in education
Advances in engineering education
Advances in health professions education
Advances in medical education and practice
Advances in physical education
Advances in physiology education
African journal of chemical education
African journal of education and technology (AJET)
African journal of health professions education
African journal of teacher education (AJOTE)
African research journal of education and social sciences
Asia-Pacific journal of education, business and society
African symposium. An on-line educational research journal
Agenda. Jewish education
Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Egitim Fakültesi dergisi
Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi
AIS educator journal
AISHE-J. The all Ireland journal of teaching and learning in higher education
Al-Asasiyya. Journal of basic education
Alberta journal of educational research (AJER)
Alipato. A journal of basic education
AlphaMath. Journal of mathematics education
Al-Qadissiya magazine for the sciences of physical education
Amasya Üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi dergisi
American journal of pharmaceutical education
American music teacher
Ana dili eğitimi dergisi
Anadolu journal of educational sciences international (AJESI)
Anadolu eğitim liderliği ve öğretim dergisi
Anatolian journal of educational leadership and instruction
Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi dergisi
Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim dergisi
Annals of medicine and medical education
Annals of the ‘Constantin Brancusi’ University of Targu-Jiu. Education science
Annual convention of the Japanese Association of educational psychology
Approaches. Music therapy & special music education
ASEAN journal of teaching & learning in higher education (AJTLHE)
Asia-Pacific education researcher (TAPER)
Asia Pacific education review
Asia Pacific journal of contemporary education and communication technology
Asia Pacific journal of education, arts and sciences
Asia Pacific journal of maritime education
Asia-Pacific scholar. Medical and health professions education (TAPS)
Asian EFL journal
Asian journal of distance education
Asian journal of educational research & technology
Asian journal of instruction
Asian journal of management sciences and education
Asian journal of physical education and computer science in sports
Asian journal of university education (AJUE)
Asian-Pacific journal of second and foreign language education
Asia-Pacific education researcher
Asia-Pacific forum on science learning and teaching
Asia-Pacific journal of cooperative education
Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhood education
Asia-Pacific science education
Astronomy education review
Asya öğretim dergisi
Atatürk Üniversitesi Kazım Karabekir Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi
Athens journal of education
Athletic training education journal
Atlas journal of science education
Australasian journal of educational technology (AJET)
Australasian journal of engineering education
Australian educational computing
Australian educational researcher
Australian education review (AER)
Australian electronic journal of nursing education (AEJNE)
Australian journal of clinical education
Australian journal of education
Australian journal of educational and developmental psychology (AJEDP)
Australian journal of environmental education
Australian journal of language and literacy (AJLL)
Australian journal of teacher education
Australian online journal of arts education
Australian journal of educational technology (AJET)
Bangladesh journal of medical education
Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi
Batı Anadolu eğitim bilimleri dergisi
Beden eğitimi ve spor bilim dergisi
Beden eğitimi ve spor bilimleri dergisi
Beder University journal of educational sciences
Berkeley review of education (BRE)
Bilgisayar ve eğitim araştırmaları dergisi
BMC medical education
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi eğitim dergisi
Bridge. Journal of educational research – informed practice
British journal of education, society & behavioural science
Brock education. A journal of educational research and practice
Brown Center report on American education
Buabandit journal of educational administration
Buca eğitim fakültesi dergisi
Bulletin of educational research
Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University
Bulletin of Yamagata University (Educational Science)
Caderno de educação física e esporte
Canadian and international education
Canadian journal for new scholars in education
Canadian journal for the scholarship of teaching and learning (CJSoTL)
Canadian journal for the study of adult education
Canadian journal of education
Canadian journal of educational administration and policy (CJEAP)
Canadian journal of environmental education (CJEE)
Canadian journal of higher education
Canadian journal of learning and technology
Canadian journal of university continuing education
Canadian medical education journal
Carrefours de l’éducation
Catharsis. Journal of arts education
CBE life sciences education
CEPS journal. Center for Educational Policy Studies journal
Chemical engineering education
Chemistry education. Research and practice (CERP)
Chemistry education review
Chemistry in education
Child health and education. An interdisciplinary journal
Childhood education
Cite journal. Contemporary issues in technology and teacher education
Citius altius forties. Journal of physical education and sport
Citizenship, social and economics education
CME. Continuing medical education
CNU journal of higher education
College of basic education researches journal
Communications of mathematical education
Comparative education
Compass. Journal of learning and teaching
Compendium of continuing education in dentistry
Concept. The journal of contemporary community education practice theory
Connect. The international science, technology and environmental education newsletter
Contemporary educational technology
Contemporary issues in early childhood
Contemporary issues in education research (CIER)
Contemporary issues in technology & teacher education (CITE)
Contemporary online language education journal (COLEJ)
Continental journal of education research
Continuing medical education
COUNS-EDU. The international journal of counseling and education
Creative education
Creativity and educational innovation review
Critical education
Cukurova University Faculty of Education journal
Cumhuriyet international journal of education
Current issues in comparative education. CICE
Current issues in education
Current research in education
Curriculum planning knowledge & research in educational sciences
Cypriot journal of educational sciences (CJES)
Czech-Polish historical and pedagogical journal
DeLiberations on teaching and learning
Design and technology education. An international journal
Dewantara. International journal of education
Dialogues in social justice. An adult education journal
Dicle University journal of Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education
Digest of educational statistics
Digital education review (DER)
Dil eğitimi ve araştırmaları dergisi
Dil ve edebiyat eğitimi dergisi
Dirasat. Educational sciences
Distance learning. For educators, trainers, and leaders
Diverse. Issues in higher education
EAI endorsed transactions on future intelligent educational environments
Economic education analysis journal
ECPS journal. Educational, cultural and psychological studies
Edu komputika journal. Education of computer and informatics engineering
Eduakcja. Magazyn edukacji elektronicznej
Eduarts. Journal of arts education
Educacion y diversidad. Revista inter-universitaria de investigación sobre discapacidad e interculturalidad
Educade. Revista de educación en contabilidad, finanzas y administración de empresas
Educadi. Journal of education
Educate. The journal of doctoral research in education
Educatia 21 journal
Educatio. Journal of education
Educatio. Quarterly review of social sciences focused on education
E-Uluslararası Pedandragoji Dergisi (e-upad)
Education & didactique
Education & formation
Education and ageing
Education and culture at a glance
Education and development
Education and scientific development in the OIC countries
Education and training in autism and developmental disabilities
Education and training monitor
Education and training statistics for the United Kingdom
Education and treatment of children
Education as change
Education Canada
Education en débats
Education et francophonie
Education for health. Change in learning & practice
Education for peace newsletter
Education in a changing society
Education in a democracy. A journal of the NNER
Education in rural Australia
Education in the knowledge society (EKS)
Education in the north
Education indicators in focus
Education inquiry (Edu.Inq.)
Education journal
Education journal of research and reflection in education sciences (EJRRES)
Education matters. The journal of teaching and learning
Education next. A journal of opinion and research
Education of primary school mathematics
Education ouvriere
Education policy analysis archives
Education quarterly review
Education reform journal
Education quarterly
Education research and perspectives (ERP)
Education research frontier
Education research international
Education review. A journal of book reviews
Education santé
Education sciences
Education sciences
Education sciences and psychology
Education statistics quarterly
Education today. The magazine for education professionals
Education week
Educational building. Jurnal pendidikan teknik bangunan dan sipil
Educational change. The journal of the New York State Foundations of Education Association
Educational considerations
Educational design research (EDeR)
Educational designer. An international e-journal for design and development in education
Educational facility planner
Educational informatics journal
Educational innovationa and information
Educational insights
Educational journal of living theories (EJOLTS)
Educational journal of Thailand
Educational management
Educational measurement and evaluation review
Educational neuroscience
Educational perspectives
Educational policy analysis and strategic research. An international journal
Educational process. International journal (EDUPIJ)
Educational psychology journal
Educational quest
Educational research
Educational research and reviews
Educational research ejournal
Educational research in medical sciences journal
Educational researcher
Educational sciences. Theory & practice
Educational studies in Japan. International yearbook
Educational technology and society
Educational technology letters
Educational technology review. ETR
Educational theory
Education’s histories
Edukacja elementarna w teorii i praktyce
Edukacja ustawiczna dorosłych
Edukacyjna analiza transakcyjna
Edulite. Journal of English education, literature, and culture
EduMa. Mathematics education learning and teaching
Eduscience. Revista do Centro de Estudos em Educação e Formação
Ege eğitim dergisi
Eğitim bilimleri araştırmaları dergisi (EBAD)
Eğitim bilimleri dergisi
Eğitim teknolojileri araştırmaları dergisi
Eğitim teknolojisi kuram ve uygulama (ETKU)
Eğitim ve bilim
Eğitimde nitel araştırmalar dergisi
Eğitim ve gelecek
Eğitim ve öğretim araştırmaları dergisi
Eğitimde ve psikolojide ölçme ve değerlendirme dergisi
E-innova. Revista electrónica educación e innovación multimedia
E-international journal of educational research (e-ijer)
e-Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi
e-JIST. E-journal of instructional science and technology
E-journal of business education & scholarship teaching
eJournal of catholic education in Australasia
e-Kafkas eğitim araştırmaları dergisi
E-learning and education (eled)
Electronic journal for inclusive education
Electronic journal for the integration of technology in education
Electronic journal of literacy through science. EJLTS
Electronic journal of multicultural education (EMME)
Electronic journal of science and mathematics
Electronic journal of science education
Electronic magazine of multicultural education. EMME
Elementary. Journal of islamic primary education
ELSE. Elementary school education journal
ELT worldwide. Journal of English language teaching
ELTE journal
Emerging perspectives. Interdisciplinary graduate research in education and psychology
Empirical research in vocational education and training
Encounters in theory and history of education
Encounters on education
Encyclopaideia. Journal of phenomenology and education
Engineering education
English Australia journal. The Australian journal of English language teaching
English education. Jurnal pendidikan bahasa inggris
English education journal
English language teaching (ELT)
English language teaching in Indonesia journal
English review. Journal of English education
English teaching forum
English teaching journal. A journal of English literature, language and education
Englisia. Journal of language, education, and humanities
Enhancing the learner experience in higher education
Environmental education
Equals online. Mathematics and special education
Erzincan Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi
Essays in education
E-teals. An e-journal of teacher education and applied language studies
Ethiopian journal of education
Ethiopian journal of education and sciences
ETS research report series
ETUCE newsletter
Eurasian journal of applied linguistics
Eurasian journal of educational research (EJER)
Eurasian journal of physics and chemistry education
Euromentor journal. Studies about education
Euronews on special needs education
European educational research journal
European educational researcher
European journal for research on the education and learning of adults (RELA)
European journal of child development, education and psychopathology
European journal of contemporary education
European journal of education and psychology (EJEP)
European journal of educational & social sciences
European journal of educational research
European journal of educational sciences (EJES)
European journal of educational studies (EJES)
European journal of health and bology education
European journal of higher education IT
European journal of investigation in health, psychology and education (EJIHPE)
European journal of philosophy in arts education (EJPAE)
European journal of physical & health education
European journal of physical education and sport
European journal of physics education (EJPE)
European journal of research on education
European journal of STEM education
European newsletter on educational policy innovation
Evaluation. Education and outreach
Evaluation and research in education
Evolution. Education and outreach
Excellence in higher education
Exceptionality education international
Facta universitatis. Series physical education
Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport
Fields mathematics education journal
FIRE. Forum for international research in education
First Nations perspectives. The journal of the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre
Florida journal of educational administration & policy
Florida journal of educational research
Focus on teacher education
Foundations of education
From now on. The educational technology journal
Frontiers in education
Frontiers in educational psychology
Frontiers of education in China
Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi
Georgia educational researcher
German journal of legal education
Global journal of engineering education
GMS journal for medical education
Gymnasium. Physical education and sports
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi
Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi
Health and social care education
Health education & health promotion
Health education research
Health professions education
Hebrew higher education
Higher education and national affairs
Higher education in review
Higher education management and policy
Higher education of nature science
Higher education of social science
Higher education outreach and engagement (JHEOE)
Higher education pedagogies
Higher education perspectives (HEP)
Higher education studies
Historia. International journal of history education
Historical studies in education
History of education quarterly
History of education researcher
History teacher
Homosproticus. Scientific journal of sport and physical education
IEEE technology and engineering education (ITEE)
IETE journal of education
IJEAP. International journal of education in Asia Pacific
IJEE (Indonesian journal of English education)
IJELM. International journal of educational leadership and management
IJEP. International journal of education psychology
IJERI. International journal of educational research and innovation
IJLRES. International journal on language research and education studies
IJoLE. International journal of language education
Indian journal of education and information management
Indonesian journal of civil engineering education (IJCEE)
Indonesian journal of early childhood education studies
Indonesian journal of education and learning
Indonesian journal of educational counseling
Indonesian journal of educational review (IJER)
Indonesian journal of science and education
Indonesian language education and literature
Informatics in education. A journal of Eastern and Central Europe
Information and communication technology in educational sciences
Information systems education journal
Information technology in educational sciences
Informing faculty. An international journal of higher education discussion cases
INFORMS transactions on education
Impact. Philosophical perspectives on education policy
Indonesian journal of curriculum and educational technology studies
Indonesian journal of history education
Indonesian journal of informatics education
Infinity. Journal of mathematics education
Innovate. Journal of online education
Innovative journal of curriculum and educational technology
Inonu University journal of Educational Sciences Institute
Inonu university journal of the Faculty of education
International education
International education & research journal
International education and leadership
International education electronic journal. IE-ej
International education journal (IEJ)
International education journal. Comparative perspectives (IEJ)
International education studies
International educational e-journal
International educator
International e-journal of advances in education (IJAEDU)
International e-journal of science, medicine & education
International electronic journal of elementary education (IEJEE)
International electronic journal of health education
International electronic journal of environmental education (IEJEE-Green)
International journal for innovation education and research
International journal for the history of mathematics education
International journal of advanced education and research (IJSOTEL)
International journal of advanced education and research
International journal of African higher education
International journal of artificial intelligence in education
International journal of assessment and evaluation in education
International journal of assessment tools in education (IJATE)
International journal of bilingual & multilingual teachers of English (IJBMTE)
International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism
International journal of biology education (IJOBED)
International journal of chemistry education research (IJSER)
International journal of child care and education policy (ICEP)
International journal of comparative education and development
International journal of computer science education in schools
International journal of construction education and research
International journal of contemporary educational research (IJCER)
International journal of education
International journal of education
International journal of education
International journal of education & literacy studies
International journal of education and development using information and communication technology
International journal of education in mathematics, science and technology (IJEMST)
International journal of education policy and leadership (IJEPL)
International journal of educational excellence
International journal of education and learning systems
International journal of educational research and development
International journal of educational research and technology (IJERT)
International journal of educational research review (IJERE)
International journal of educational sciences
International journal of early childhood special education (INT-JECSE)
International journal of education through art (ijeta)
International journal of educational and psychological assessment
International journal of educational science and research (IJESR)
International journal of educational studies
International journal of e-learning & distance education
International journal of e-learning and educational technologies in the digital media
International journal of elementary education
International journal of emotional education
International journal of engineering education
International journal of engineering pedagogy (iJEP)
International journal of eportfolio (IjeP)
International journal of evaluation and research in education (IJERE)
International journal of health and education
International journal of higher education
International journal of humanities and education
International journal of informatics education (IJIE)
International journal of information and communication technologies in education
International journal of innovation in science and mathematics education (IJISME)
International journal of kinesiology in higher education
International journal of language and literature
International journal of language education and cultural review (IJLECR)
International journal of languages’ education and teaching
International journal of learning, teaching and educational research
International journal of literature and language education
International journal of management education
International journal of medical education (IJME)
International journal of modern education and computer science (IJMECS)
International journal of multicultural education (IJME)
International journal of online graduate education
International journal of pedagogy and teacher education (IJPTE)
International journal of physical education, fitness and sports
International journal of research and education
International journal of research in education
International journal of research in education and psychology (IJREP)
International journal of research in teacher education
International journal of research in educational sciences
International journal of research in English education
International journal of social sciences and education (IJSSE)
International journal of social sciences and education research (IJSSER)
International journal of social sciences & educational studies
International journal of sociology of education (RISE)
International journal of STEM education. Innovations and research
International journal of STEM education. Innovations and research
International journal of teacher educational research
International journal of teacher leadership
International journal of teaching and learning in higher education
International journal of the first year in higher education
International journal of educational administration and policy studies
International journal of educational methodology
International journal of educational researchers
International journal of education and the arts
International journal of education research
International journal of educational management (IJEM)
International journal of English and education
International journal of educational psychology (IJEP)
International journal of educational technology
International journal of educational technology in higher education
International journal of environmental & science education (IJESE)
International journal of innovation in science and mathematics education (IJISME)
International journal of progressive education (IJPE)
International journal of research in education and science (IJRES)
International journal of research studies in education (IJRSE)
International journal of research studies in educational technology (IJRSET)
International journal of special education
International journal of technology in teaching and learning
International journal of vocational and technical education
International journal on e-learning and education
International journal on emerging mathematics education (IJEME)
International journal on language, literature and culture in education
International journal on new trends in education and their implications (IJONTE)
International online journal of education and teaching (OJET)
International online journal of educational sciences (IOJES)
International online journal of science and mathematics education (IOJSME)
International research in early childhood education (IRECE)
International research in education
International research-based education journal
International review of economics education
International Summit on the Teaching Profession
İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi
IRA international journal of education and multidisciplinary studies
Iranian journal of medical education
Iranian journal of sociology of education
Irascible professor. Irreverent commentary on the state of education in America
Issues in educational research
Issues in teacher education
Istanbul journal of open and distance education
Japan journal for the pedagogy of physical education
Japan journal of educational technology
Japanese journal of health education and promotion
Japanese journal of sport education studies
JMIR medical education
Journal for educational research online (JERO)
Journal for research in arts and sports education
Journal for the education of gifted young scientists
Journal for the education of the young scientist and giftedness
Journal for the practical application of constructivist theory in education
Journal for the study of postsecondary and tertiary education
Journal for vocational special needs education
Journal of academic development and education
Journal of accounting and business education (JABE)
Journal of adult education
Journal of advances in medical education and professionalism
Journal of African American males in education (JAAME)
Journal of agricultural education
Journal of alcohol and drug education
Journal of American Indian education
Journal of anthropology of sport and physical education
Journal of applied communications
Journal of applied educational and policy research (JAEPR)
Journal of applied learning in higher education
Journal of applied research in education
Journal of applied research in higher education
Journal of appreciative education
Journal of Asian critical education (JACE)
Journal of assessment and accountability in educator preparation (JAAEP)
Journal of biochemistry education
Journal of biomedical education
Journal of border educational research
Journal of business management education
Journal of cases in educational leadership
Journal of catholic education
Journal of contemporary issues in education
Journal of contemporary teacher education
Journal of cooperative education and internships
Journal of cultural research in art education
Journal of development strategies in medical education
Journal of distance education
Journal of economic development in higher education
Journal of economic education
Journal of economic education
Journal of education
Journal of education
Journal of education
Journal of education
Journal of education. Periodical of the South African Education Research Association School of Education University of KwaZulu-natal
Journal of education & teaching in emergency medicine
Journal of education action research
Journal of education and educational development
Journal of education and ethics in dentistry
Journal of education and ethics in nursing
Journal of education and future
Journal of education and health promotion
Journal of education and human development
Journal of education and ICT (JOEICT)
Journal of education and learning (EduLearn)
Journal of education and literature
Journal of education and practice
Journal of education and research
Journal of education and research
Journal of education and research for sustainable development
Journal of education and science
Journal of education and social development
Journal of education and social work
Journal of education and social sciences
Journal of education and social work
Journal of education and training studies
Journal of education and vocational research (JEVR)
Journal of education, community, and values. Interface on the internet
Journal of education for international development
Journal of education in Black Sea region
Journal of education in new century
Journal of education in science, environmnet and health (JESEH)
Journal of education, informatics and cybernetics (JEIC)
Journal of education Khon Kaen University
Journal of education, Mahasarakham University
Journal of education Naresuan University
Journal of education policy and leadership (IJEPL)
Journal of education policy, planning and administration (JEPPA)
Journal of education research and evaluation (JERE)
Journal of education, Silpakorn University
Journal of education studies
Journal of education, teaching and learning (JETL)
Journal of education technology
Journal of education Thaksin University
Journal of educational administration
Journal of educational administration, Silpakorn University
Journal of educational administration and foundations (JEAF)
Journal of educational administration and policy studies
Journal of educational and instructional studies in the world
Journal of educational and psychological researches
Journal of educational and psychological sciences (JEPS)
Journal of educational and social research
Journal of educational audiology
Journal of educational chronicle
Journal of educational controversy
Journal of educational data mining (JEDM)
Journal of educational development
Journal of educational enquiry
Journal of educational environment research
Journal of educational evaluation for health professions (JEEHP)
Journal of educational innovation, partnership and change
Journal of educational inquiry
Journal of educational leadership in action
Journal of educational practice and research
Journal of educational research
Journal of educational research and evaluation
Journal of educational research and innovation
Journal of educational research and medical teacher
Journal of educational research and practice
Journal of educational review and research
Journal of educational sciences (JEDUS)
Journal of educational science and technology
Journal of educational sciences and research
Journal of educational sciences & psychology
Journal of educational social studies (JESS)
Journal of educational sociology
Journal of eductional technology & society
Journal of educators online
Journal of elementary education
Journal of elementary education
Journal of eliteracy (JeLit)
Journal of ELT research
Journal of emerging learning design
Journal of emerging trends in educational research and policy studies
Journal of engineering education
Journal of English and education
Journal of European education (JEE)
Journal of executive education
Journal of extension education
Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences
Journal of food science education
Journal of foreign language education and technology
Journal of foreign language teaching & learning
Journal of foreign language teaching and applied linguisticss (J-FLTAL)
Journal of gifted education research
Journal of gifted/talented education
Journal of global citizenship & equity education (jgcee)
Journal of health education (JHE)
Journal of health education teaching
Journal of health professions education (JHPE)
Journal of higher education and lifelong learning
Journal of higher education in Africa
Journal of higher education outreach and engagement
Journal of hospitality, leisure, sports and tourism education
Journal of international agricultural and extension education
Journal of international and comparative education (JICE)
Journal of international education and leadership
Journal of international education in business (JIEB)
Journal of international education research (JIER)
Journal of international scientific publications. Educational alternatives
Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty
Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
Journal of Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
Journal of language and cultural education
Journal of language and education
Journal of language and literacy education
Journal of leadership education
Journal of learning development in higher education
Journal of learning innovations Walailak University
Journal of Maltese education research
Journal of mathematics and mathematics education
Journal on mathematics education
Journal of mathematics education at Teachers College
Journal of mathematics education trends and research
Journal of medical education
Journal of medical education and curricular development
Journal of medical education and development
Journal of medical education and research
Journal of medical education development
Journal of microbiology & biology education (JMBE)
Journal of Montessori research & education (MoRE)
Journal of multilingual education research
Journal of music and human behavior
Journal of natural resources and life sciences education (JNRLSE)
Journal of new approaches in educational research
Journal of nonformal education
Journal of non-formal education and community empowerment
Journal of non-profit education and leadership
Journal of nursing education and practice
Journal of online doctoral education
Journal of organizational & educational leadership
Journal of outdoor recreation, education and leadership
Journal of philosophy and history of education
Journal of physical education
Journal of physical education
Journal of physical education & health. Social perspective
Journal of physical education and sport (JPES)
Journal of physical education health and sport
Journal of physical education research (JOPER)
Journal of physics teacher education online
Journal of practical engineering education
Journal of praxis in multicultural education
Journal of pre-college engineering education research (J-Peer)
Journal of preschool and elementary school education
Journal of primary education
Journal of primary education
Journal of prison education and reentry
Journal of problem based learning in higher education
Journal of professional, continuing, and online education
Journal of research and advances in mathematics education
Journal of research, assessment, and practice in higher education
Journal of research for educational leaders
Journal of research in childhood education
Journal of research in education
Journal of research in educational sciences
Journal of research in education sciences
Journal of research in interprofessional practice and education (JRIPE)
Journal of research in rural education
Journal of research in science education
Journal of research initiatives
Journal of research on leadership education (JRLE)
Journal of research, policy & practice of teachers and teacher education (JRPPTTE)
Journal of science and technology education research
Journal of science education
Journal of science education for students with disabilities
Journal of science and mathematics education in Southeast Asia
Journal of service-learning in higher education (JSLHE)
Journal of social theory in art education
Journal of social work education
Journal of Southeast Asian American education and advancement (JSAAEA)
Journal of special education and rehabilitation (JSER)
Journal of special education technology
Journal of special education
Journal of statistics education (JSE)
Journal of STEM education. Innovations and research
Journal of sTEM teacher education
Journal of teacher education and educators
Journal of teacher education for sustainability
Journal of technical education
Journal of technical education and training
Journal of technical Japanese education
Journal of technology and information education (JTIE)
Journal of technology and science education (JOTSE)
Journal of technology education
Journal of technology, learning and assessment (JTLA)
Journal of the International Association of Special Education (JIASE)
Journal of the Korean Association For Science Education
Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
Journal of the philosophy of sport and physical education
Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology
Journal of theoretical educational science
Journal of theory and practice in education
Journal of thought. A journal of critical reflection on educational issues
Journal of toxicological education
Journal of Turkish science education
Journal of urban mathematics education (JUME)
Journal of universality of global education issues
Journal of university teaching and learning practice
Journal of vocational and career education
Journal of vocational education research. JVER
Journal of Ziya Gokalp Faculty of Education
Karaelmas eğitim bilimleri dergisi
Karbala magazine of physical education sciences
Korean journal of medical education
Korean medical education review
Kuram ve uygulamada eğitim yönetimi
Kuramsal eğitimbilim dergisi
Malawi journal of development and education
Malaysian journal of distance education
Malaysian journal of education
Malaysian journal of educational technology (MJET)
Malaysian online journal of educational management (MOJEM)
Malaysian online journal of educational sciences (MOJES)
Malaysian online journal of educational technology (MOJET)
Malta review of educational research
Management of education
Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi eğitim bilimleri dergisi
Mathematical education
Medical education online
Medical Education Scholarship Forum proceedings
Mediterranean journal of educational studies
Mevlana international journal of education
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi
Multidisciplinary journal of educational research (REMIE)
Music education research international
Musica docta. Rivista digitale di pedagogia e didattica della musica
MUST. Journal of mathematics education, science & technology
New Zealand annual review of education
Nursing education perspectives
Okuma yazma eğitimi araştırmaları
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi
Online journal for global engineering in education
Online journal for workforce education and development
Online journal of counselling and education (TOJCE)
Online journal of distance education and e-learning (TOJDEL)
Online journal of distance learning administration
Online journal of education
Online journal of islamic education (O-jIE)
Online journal of new horizons in education (TOJNED)
Online journal of quality in higher education
Online journal of social science education
Pacific-Asian education
Pakistan journal of education
Pamukkale universitesi egitim fakultesi dergisi
Philosophical studies in education
Philosophy of education archive
Philosophy of eduation yearbook
Philosophy of mathematics education journal
Physical & health education academic journal
Physical culture. Journal of sport sciences & physical education
Physical disabilities. Education and related services (PDERS)
Physics education. Quarterly e-journal devoted to physics pedagogy
Physical education and sport
Physical education and sports research journal
Physical education of students
Physical education, sport and health in modern society
Physical review physics education research
Physical review special topics. Physics education research
Physics education
Pi. Mathematics education journal
Policy & practice in education
Policy and practice. A development education review
Policy futures in education
Qualitative research in education (QRE)
Quality advancement in nursing education
Research and development in medical education
Research and issues in music education (RIME)
Research and practice in technology enhanced learning
Resonance. Journal of science education
Research connections in special education
Research development
Research in archaeological education journal
Research in comparative and international education
Research in curriculum planning. A quarterly journal of science and research
Research in education
Research and evaluation in education
Research in higher education journal
Research in mathematical education
Research in Middle level education online
Research in pedagogy
Research in teacher education (RiTE)
Research journal in organizational psychology & educational studies
Research memoranda
Research on education and media (REM)
Research on education and psychology
Research on modern higher education
Review of artistic education
Review of higher education in Africa
Review of international and development education
Review of international geographical education online (RIGE)
RIGEO (Review of International Geographical Education Online)
Romanian journal for multidimensional education
Romanian review of geographical education
RoSE. Research on Steiner education
Rwandan journal of education
Scottish educational review (SER)
SDU international journal of educational studies
SED. Sanat eğitimi dergisi
Source. A journal of education
South African journal of education (SAJE)
South African journal of higher education
Teacher education quarterly
Türk bilgisayar ve matematik eğitimi dergisi (TÜRKBİLMAT)
Türk tarih eğitimi dergisi
Turkish history education journal (TUHED)
Turkish journal of computer and mathematics education
Turkish journal of education (TURJE)
Turkish journal of giftedness and education (TJGE)
Turkish journal of teacher education
Turkish online journal of distance education (TOJDE)
Turkish online journal of educational technology
Turkish online journal of English language teaching (TOJELT)
Turkish online journal of qualitative inquiry (TOJQI)
Ukraïnsʹkij pedagogìčnij žurnal
Uluslararası eğitim araştırmaları dergisi
Uluslararası türk eğitim bilimleri dergisi
Uluslararası Liderlik Eğitimi Dergisi
UNNES physics education journal (UPEJ)
UNNES science education journal
Vistas. Education, economy and community
World journal of education
World journal on educational technology
Yuksekogretim ve bilim dergisi